[OSGeo-Discuss] Incubator Sponsor idea.

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Fri Sep 12 12:53:56 PDT 2008

Your last point would seem to work both ways.  I see the idea as a way of solidifying project integration aspects vs making them into the gooey stuff inside of the Shell.  :c)

>>> Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com> wrote:
cc:ed to incubator, but please reply to the discuss list...

Bob Basques wrote:
> All,
> I have a question about a possible way to get some smaller projects into 
> the system without the requirements of going full bore (as I perceive it 
> now)  I'm not really targeting any project per se at this point, but . . .
> What about have a "Super" project that can act as a sponsor for a 
> smaller project.  When I say smaller, I mean where there might only be 
> one, two or three developers.  The end result being that the "Super" 
> project basically vouches for the smaller project in some fashion for it 
> to get some sort of OSGEO stamp applied to it.   This could possibly be 
> a criteria where some of the established vetting is handled via a 
> voucher system, where other "Super" projects can add their credentials 
> to the mix over time.
> Just a thought, still a little muddled too, but it seems like there 
> might be something workable in the concept.  Any other thoughts?


Something like this approach has been taken for the MetaCRS project.


The MetaCRS effort is an attempt to have a single PSC run a sort of
federation of related projects.  In this case the coordinating theme
is coordinate systems (reprojection, dictionaries, datum shifting,
CRS description translation).  But the components (CS-Map, PROJ.4,
proj4js, and libgeotiff) are initially fairly independent activities with
relatively few shared developers or direct cooperation.

In the case of MetaCRS there is an intent for them to grow somewhat
closer, in particular in sharing coordinate system dictionaries.

Another approach would be for a smaller project to place itself under
the administration of an existing official project that is somewhat related.

For instance, I could imagine a web framework like Chameleon that is MapServer
oriented, might ask to be considered part of the MapServer project, and
subject to it's PSC.   I had contemplated doing this with libgeotiff within
the GDAL project for a while, for instance.

We do need to be careful, I think, that we aren't just creating "shells"
with no concept of community in order to get around the incubation process
which is aimed at developing genuine well functioning communities around
projects before giving them an OSGeo stamp of approval.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com 
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam 
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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