[OSGeo-Discuss] web mapping package

percy percyd at pdx.edu
Mon Dec 28 16:16:11 PST 2009

John, have you thought about just using OpenLayers with Mapserver, just 
modify one of the existing examples to point to your mapserver cgi and 
you should be up and running in less than an hour or so... It also 
integrates well with TMS for raster, and WMS for other...

Message: 4
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 19:09:55 -0500
From: John Callahan <john.callahan at udel.edu>
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] web mapping package
To: OSGeo Discussions <discuss at lists.osgeo.org>
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Thanks Bob.  Yes, GeoMoose does seem impressive for what it can do out 
of the box.  I noticed there is a GeoMoose mailing list and will likely 
signup for that.  Quick question though: can the GeoMoose interface 
directly display png tiles (e.g., output from gdal2tiles/maptiler) or do 
rasters need to go through mapserver first?  (I have some imagery and 
openstreetmap data I think would be best served through TMS tiles rather 
than mapserver raster data sources.)

- John

David Percy
Geospatial Data Manager
Geology Department
Portland State University

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