Fw: [OSGeo-Discuss] GIS Trainers Needed

Rafal Wawer Rafal.Wawer at sadl.kuleuven.be
Thu Feb 19 02:14:43 PST 2009

Dear All,
I am forwarding the response from Jos in case more people would be interested in FOSS4G training in Belgium this summer.

Best regards:

Dr. Rafal Wawer
R&D Division SADL (Spatial Application Division) 
Celestijnenlaan 200e bus 2224 
BE-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
tel. 0032 16 329731

Dear Mr. Maro,

The short train-the-trainer initiative on Free and Open Source Tools for Geomatics (GIS, Remote Sensing and SDI) which we organize in Leuven, Belgium between 27-july and 7-august-2009 may be an opportunity for NARI to acquire GIS-capacity, training materials, software for further use in your training programs. Since Papua New Guinea is categorized by OECD as an ‘Other Low Income Country’ candidates may be supported by a scholarship of the Belgian Flemish Interuniversity Council. You find information about the training and about the procedure to apply for a scholarship in the attached .PDF. If the scholarship would not be awarded, the opportunity remains to participate at a reduced fee.


Best regards,


Jos Van Orshoven
Celestijnenlaan 200E - box 2411
BE-3001 Leuven, Belgium


Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences; T: +32-16-32.97-40/21; F: +32-16-32.97.60; jos.vanorshoven at biw.kuleuven.be; 


R&D Division SADL (Spatial Applications Division Leuven); 

T: +32-16-32.97-40/32; F: +32-16-32.97.24; jos.vanorshoven at sadl.kuleuven.be; 

Disclaimer: http://www.kuleuven.be/cwis/email_disclaimer.htm

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Jimmy Maro 

To: discuss at lists.osgeo.org 

Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 6:58 AM

Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] GIS Trainers Needed


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am a GIS officer working with the Papua New Guinea National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI). We are currently developing a project proposal for the Asia Caribbean Pacific Scientific and Technology programme under the EU project. The key objective is to strengthen capacity in the organization some specialized and general research areas. Under this project we will be seeking potential GIS Trainers to improve our GIS capacity in NARI and two other Ministries in Vanuatu and Solomon Islands. The training will include a beginners and advanced GIS approach using Open Source.


Please advice.





Jimmy Maro

GIS Scientist



"Promoting excellence in agriculture for development"


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