[OSGeo-Discuss] database replication

carlos sousa springaleek at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 00:10:30 PDT 2009

Kind Sirs,

Being a novice postgreSQL user, i'm currently transfering from our current
esri/arcsde/arcims/mssqlserver solution to a
After this is down, the real server will be using software that is
replicated in virtual machines used on external harddrives with a copy of
the real server database.
What I need to know is how should I execute a command, be it in the command
line (prefferable because of scripting) or using some kind of gui tool like
to let the virtual database get in sync with the real database when the
external harddrive is connected to the real server.
I've looked up sqlworkbench (no ubuntu binary) and slony (has to be
I'm considering asking Ricardo from the GISVM project if he is available to
help me think up a solution for this, you never know.

Thanks in advance,

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