[OSGeo-Discuss] database replication

Chris Puttick chris.puttick at thehumanjourney.net
Mon Jul 6 00:22:32 PDT 2009

This might help:




----- "carlos sousa" <springaleek at gmail.com> wrote:

> Kind Sirs,
> Being a novice postgreSQL user, i'm currently transfering from our
> current esri/arcsde/arcims/mssqlserver solution to a
> postgres/postgis/mapserver/
> openlayers solution.
> After this is down, the real server will be using software that is
> replicated in virtual machines used on external harddrives with a copy
> of the real server database.
> What I need to know is how should I execute a command, be it in the
> command line (prefferable because of scripting) or using some kind of
> gui tool like pgadminIII
> to let the virtual database get in sync with the real database when
> the external harddrive is connected to the real server.
> I've looked up sqlworkbench (no ubuntu binary) and slony (has to be
> compiled).
> I'm considering asking Ricardo from the GISVM project if he is
> available to help me think up a solution for this, you never know.
> Thanks in advance,
> Carlos 
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