[OSGeo-Discuss] OGC geospatial rights mgt. summit

Allan Doyle afdoyle at MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 1 09:40:58 PDT 2009

On Jun 1, 2009, at 12:20 PM, Landon Blake wrote:

> Doesn't the USGS already release a ton of data in the public domain?
> I also thought an organization interested in standards for geospatial
> data might be interested in geospatial data licensing. They seem like
> parallel tracks.

OSGeo, OGC, GSDI, and probably other organizations all present  
different views into dealing with data. Aligning with any of these has  
its pluses and minuses. I think it boils down to where the inertia is.  
If there seems to be a current lack of intensity, then one  
interpretation is that there hasn't been enough critical mass in any  
one place to achieve the intensity. Depending on the organization,  
some of the energy put into moving the topic forward may have to be  
used to counter other interests within that organization. Thus, one  
approach is to assess where to best apply positive energy without  
having to counter lots of resistance. Maybe that place is within  
Science Commons itself.


> Landon
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Ian Turton
> Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 1:53 PM
> To: OSGeo Discussions
> Cc: punkish at eidesis.org
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OGC geospatial rights mgt. summit
> On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 7:09 PM, Landon Blake <lblake at ksninc.com>  
> wrote:
>> How about OGC support for the Science Commons work on a "public
> domain"
>> or "creative commons" type license for geospatial data.
> That's not going to happen. OGC has many national mapping agencies as
> members and USGS and OS are never going to allow this. Plus it isn't
> any of the OGC's business as to what sort of licenses are used on
> data.
> Ian
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Allan Doyle
Director of Technology
MIT Museum | http://web.mit.edu/museum | +1.617.452.2111

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