[OSGeo-Discuss] Info about OSGEO community and OS GIS products

Sossio D'Isa sossiodisa at virgilio.it
Mon Jun 8 10:26:33 PDT 2009

Hello to everybody,

I need some info about OSGEO community and OS GIS 

1 - Do specific OS GIS products for telco applications 

2 - Do you know some community meetings about OS GIS products 
for telco applications?

3 - How concurrency is generally managed? For 
example, if two 
or more users use a QGIS application running on 
PostGIS instance, how concurrency is managed?
ESRI products use 

4 - Does any catalogue exist? In other words, do exist any 
tool for defining some kind of objects, symbols and
between ones?

5 - Does any product for user authentication and user 
role definition exist?

6 - Are OS GIS product completely license 

Thank you so much for your supprt.



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