[OSGeo-Discuss] Info about OSGEO community and OS GIS products

Rene A Enguehard ahugenerd at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 06:18:07 PDT 2009

Hi Sossio,

I'll reply to your questions in order:

1. I'm unaware of any such products, you'd probably have to combine 
multiple programs and libraries or "roll your own".

2. Same thing. I don't think there are specific telco meetings but you 
are welcome to go to OS GIS meetings and discuss telecom applications.

3. From what I can see PostgreSQL handles concurrency in a variety of 
ways: you can explicitly lock tables, you can perform you can define 
transaction isolation levels and you can do versioning. More information 
at: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/mvcc.html

4. Catalogues do exist. GeoNetwork would be an example of a metadata 

5. I'm not sure at what level you are talking about. Do you mean user 
authentication at an web application level or at a lower level? In the 
case of web apps, MapBender supports user authentication. At the DB 
level PostgreSQL supports multi-user databases with particular roles for 
each user.

6. Open source licenses are free as in speech as well as free as in 
beer. However, you cannot just take an open source product and integrate 
it into a closed source product and sell the whole lot as your own 
closed source product. Open source requires, generally speaking, 
redistribution of source code for any product that uses it. There are, 
of course, a variety of licenses with different restrictions. You might 
want to look at: GPL (versions 2 and 3), LGPL, MIT Licenses, BSD 
Licenses and the CreativeCommons licenses. These are all used, to 
varying degrees, in the open source community and imply various levels 
of restrictions. Wikipedia has a fair deal of information on all of these.

Hope this helps,
René A. Enguehard

Sossio D'Isa a écrit :
> Hello to everybody,
> I need some info about OSGEO community and OS GIS 
> products:
> 1 - Do specific OS GIS products for telco applications 
> exist?
> 2 - Do you know some community meetings about OS GIS products 
> for telco applications?
> 3 - How concurrency is generally managed? For 
> example, if two 
> or more users use a QGIS application running on 
> PostGIS instance, how concurrency is managed?
> ESRI products use 
> Versioning.
> 4 - Does any catalogue exist? In other words, do exist any 
> tool for defining some kind of objects, symbols and
> relationships 
> between ones?
> 5 - Does any product for user authentication and user 
> role definition exist?
> 6 - Are OS GIS product completely license 
> free? 
> Thank you so much for your supprt.
> Regards,
> Sossio
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