[OSGeo-Discuss] ideas for the U.S. National Dialogue - the Recovery Dialogue on IT Solutions

John Callahan john.callahan at UDel.Edu
Sat May 2 14:22:21 PDT 2009

This is about the Recovery.gov site and receiving ideas about IT 
solutions to make it "better" to everyone.  Several involve GIS and 
geospatial topics.    I thought someone here could make a good argument 
about GeoRSS or other OSGeo ideas.   It's good to see the Recovery.org 
site itself runs on open source products Apache, Drupal and SIMILE Timeline.

I just heard about this today and the deadline for ideas (and possibly 
the commenting on ideas) ends tomorrow, Sunday night.  Who knows what 
types of things they'll be able to implement within their time frame (I 
read somewhere Sept 2009) but it's a cool idea nevertheless.  To 
register (for proposing ideas) you will need to include a U.S. zip code.


- John

John Callahan
Geospatial Application Developer
Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
227 Academy St, Newark DE 19716-7501
Tel: (302) 831-3584  
Email: john.callahan at udel.edu

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