[OSGeo-Discuss] discussion or FUD

Brian Russo brian at beruna.org
Sat Oct 10 23:05:47 EDT 2009

At first glance, my initial reaction is he's merely misinformed.

However, after reviewing his blog and comments elsewhere; it's not just sad
- it's outright funny how indoctrinated he is. We use a lot of proprietary
software because we have a specific community we need to interoperate with,
but in our case the scenario is not open VS closed, it's random assemblage
of homebrew/proprietary software VS closed but standardized VS open. The
latter would be ideal; but while interoperability within the open source
"geostack" is good; integrating open source with proprietary is still a

"The market is begging for a vendor to pick up the ball here...luckily,

Anyone have pictures of him in spandex and a cape?

 - bri

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Micha Silver <micha at arava.co.il> wrote:

> Guillaume Sueur wrote:
>> another one here :
>> http://owston.blogspot.com/2009/05/price-free-of-open-source-software-has.html
>> how can we have ignore that guy for so long ,
> Hey, look on the bright side. In the above post he says he has many clients
> already using open source solutions.
> --
> Micha
>> Regards,
>> Guillaume
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