[OSGeo-Discuss] discussion or FUD

"René A. Enguehard" ahugenerd at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 00:29:21 EDT 2009

I find his views amusing, if misguided. In any case, a troll's opinion 
has about as much weight as the air under the bridge from which he 
crawled out of. No sense antagonizing him, let his ignorance speak for 
itself. As to whether ERDAS products, or even open source ones, are 
viable options: that's always a question of requirements. So arguments 
either way lead to very little. Perhaps we should adopt more of a live 
and let live philosophy, while still promoting the merits of open source 
software? Let everyone have a cape! (Because when everyone's super... 
no-one is!)

Just my $0.02 CAD

Brian Russo wrote:
> At first glance, my initial reaction is he's merely misinformed.
> However, after reviewing his blog and comments elsewhere; it's not 
> just sad - it's outright funny how indoctrinated he is. We use a lot 
> of proprietary software because we have a specific community we need 
> to interoperate with, but in our case the scenario is not open VS 
> closed, it's random assemblage of homebrew/proprietary software VS 
> closed but standardized VS open. The latter would be ideal; but while 
> interoperability within the open source "geostack" is good; 
> integrating open source with proprietary is still a challenge.
> "The market is begging for a vendor to pick up the ball 
> here...luckily, ERDAS is HERE!"
> Anyone have pictures of him in spandex and a cape?
>  - bri
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Micha Silver <micha at arava.co.il 
> <mailto:micha at arava.co.il>> wrote:
>     Guillaume Sueur wrote:
>         another one here :
>         http://owston.blogspot.com/2009/05/price-free-of-open-source-software-has.html
>         how can we have ignore that guy for so long ,
>     Hey, look on the bright side. In the above post he says he has
>     many clients already using open source solutions.
>     -- 
>     Micha
>         Regards,
>         Guillaume
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