[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [postgis-users] make install problem in v. 1.4.0 as well as in 1.4.1.SVN

Matthew Pulis mpulis at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 05:06:51 EDT 2009


I am moving to London in late January 2010 and am trying to find a job /
career in GIS preferably using Open Source GIS. I am finding it quite hard
to find job openings in this field, especially in the GIS-T area; which area
is my area of expertise. Anyone can recommend some job hunting websites
which are more attributed to OSGEO please?

Matthew Pulis
URL : http://www.matthewpulis.info | http://www.solutions-lab.net
MSN : pulis_matthew[@]hotmail.com
ICQ : 145951110
Skype : solutions-lab.net
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