[OSGeo-Discuss] Finding an OSGEO-related job in London

Matthew Pulis mpulis at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 05:11:30 EDT 2009


I am moving to London in late January 2010 and am trying to find a job /
career in GIS preferably using Open Source GIS. I am finding it quite hard

to find job openings in this field, especially in the GIS-T area; which area
is my area of expertise. Anyone can recommend some job hunting websites
which are more attributed to OSGEO please?

(Sorry for double posting but the previous one had the wrong subject pasted)



Matthew Pulis
URL : http://www.matthewpulis.info | http://www.solutions-lab.net
MSN : pulis_matthew[@]hotmail.com
ICQ : 145951110
Skype : solutions-lab.net
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