[OSGeo-Discuss] Webinars on OS geo for local governments, schools and nonprofits?

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Mon Feb 8 11:50:41 PST 2010

Dimitris Kotzinos wrote:
> Dear Charlie,
> the idea sounds intriguing but we should bear in mind the different 
> requirements of the three actors you mentioned in your e-mail, so it 
> would be difficult to find the one size that fits all.
Good point, Dimitris. As someone who teaches but also studies the public 
sector I agree wholeheartedly. If there was sufficient interest, perhaps 
we could have a series of these, e.g.:

OS Geo technologies for high-school teachers
- sub topics here
OS Geo technologies for local governments
- sub topics here

At the same time, seminars on various technologies could, potentially, 
be somewhat generic.

> Moreover we need to know a bit more an the needs we will try to cover 
> and finally we need the people who would do the job. As I said the 
> idea is interesting so I would interested in participating.
I've had two responses so far from people possibly interested in 
participating in this. If there are others who might be interested in 
presenting a topic, let me know.
If I get a few more I'll start a wiki page to try and start organizing 
topics and potential presenters. This may lead then to a conference call 
for further discussion.


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