[OSGeo-Discuss] OpenLayers for the Vancouver Olympics 2010 Weather Web Map

Alexandre Leroux alexandre.leroux at ec.gc.ca
Thu Jan 21 12:51:09 PST 2010

> Very cool!  From looking at the source it's using MapFish...quite a big 
> promotional app for the MapFish team!  congrats.
 > -jeff

Right! Our initial versions used MapFish, but to be honest, we're moving 
away from MapFish to pure GeoExt since we don't need the MapFish 
Server/Client paradigm. (obviously our plans may change in the future!)

Alex  :-)
Alexandre Leroux, M.Sc., Ing.
Section de la réponse aux urgences environnementales /
Environmental Emergency Response Section
Centre météorologique canadien / Canadian Meteorological Centre
Environnement Canada / Environment Canada
alexandre.leroux at ec.gc.ca - (514) 421-5024

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