[OSGeo-Discuss] Comparison of Mobile GIS applications

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 16:24:34 EDT 2010

I'm excited to hear your presentation was selected. I think there is a 
lot of interest in mobile GIS and seeing an overview of technologies 
will be of great interest to the general community, so I expect you will 
have a large audience to present to.

I saw an interesting presentation from Geoffrey Shea and Professor 
Jiannong Cao at the FIG conference [1]. They have built a mobile 
application based upon open source on a Windows Mobile. I understand 
they have already, or are going to publish their source code as an Open 
Source project.

Geoffrey, Professor Cao,
I wonder whether you would be interested in joining Miguel's comparison 
of GIS Mobile applications?
Also, could you please point us to the location of the code for your 
project. Is it on Google Code or similar?

[1] http://www.google.com/search?q=libmobilegis+fig

On 02/06/10 22:35, Miguel Montesinos wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I'm preparing a presentation for the FOSS4G, with title "Comparison of
> Mobile GIS applications". I know some, but I think that the best way to
> make an objective analysis is to offer the chance for anyone to
> collaborate, in order to define common feature lists as well as
> perfomance or usability check lists.
> Is anyone developing or using a mobile geospatial application
> interested?
> Regards,
> ---------------------------------------------
> Miguel Montesinos
> mmontesinos [at] prodevelop [dot] es
> www.prodevelop.es
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
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