[OSGeo-Discuss] Comparison of Mobile GIS applications

Mr. Geoffrey Y.K. Shea lsykshea at polyu.edu.hk
Tue Jun 8 05:04:14 EDT 2010

Hello Miguel, 

I have done some mobile GIS applications on Windows Mobile platform based on SQLite and SpatiaLite. I'm interested to share my experience and contribute my findings in your compilation for your coming presentation such as GIS feature list and performance. 

At the moment I have built a set of DLLs called libMobileGIS to be used on Windows Mobile device. This set of DLLs was mentioned sometime ago in the following Google discussion group [1] and the binary can be downloaded at [2]. I need sometime to tidy up before publishing the modified/edited sources with Microsoft VS solution and projects. 

[1] http://groups.google.com/group/spatialite-users/browse_thread/thread/fdc0dd434b8d5248# 

[2] http://myweb.polyu.edu.hk/~lsykshea/public/spatialite-related/ 


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Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Comparison of Mobile GIS applications
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