[OSGeo-Discuss] Comment on OSGeo Project Marketing template before we set it in stone

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Jun 5 18:59:16 EDT 2010

I agree that we should only have one marketing template, which will 
provide content for a pdf/paper flier, a HTML description for the OSGeo 
LiveDVD, and an Open Office Text (odt) format, which can be cut&pasted 
into various other uses, like System Integrators' marketing material.

The postgis template I put together is based upon the prior marketing 
template. I'd like to think it to be an enhancement, or version 2 of the 

In particular, I've moved from the Open Office Presenter format to Open 
Office Text format as it is harder to the key useful formats for users 
(HTML, ODT and Word).

I also expect that we will get marketing material for every project that 
is on the LiveDVD, which includes most of the OSGeo projects, as these 
projects have already produced similar material for prior LiveDVD releases.

Note that the LiveDVD packages more than just OSGeo incubating and 
graduated projects. As OSGeo support is only for OSGeo support projects, 
that means there are some projects on the LiveDVD which are not included 
in OSGeo Support.

On 06/06/10 04:12, Jason Birch wrote:
> Arnulf,
> Yes, I like both of those options.
> I think my initial reaction was because it implied that a project was
> only supported by a single commercial entity, which isn't healthy. But
> I can definitely see the need to meet the use cases you've outlined.
> It makes a lot of sense to encourage/enable local consultants to
> modify the marketing material for their own use (hopefully without
> destroying the brand: OSGeoJason). We need to support our commercial
> efforts wherever possible.
> Providing a box at the bottom with some boilerplate for the SPD ("for
> other commercial support options?") but making it clear that business
> cards should be attached on top of it is a great way of supporting the
> folks who are working the booths and developing local support for (and
> businesses around) OSGeo.
> Cameron,
> If there are OSGeo projects that are not represented if the provider
> directory, this needs to be fixed, probably with a Trac ticket. I like
> the idea of a support.osgeo.org that allows you to choose the
> "product" you need support for, and are then provided with links to
> website, documentation, and a list of commercial support providers
> which could be filtered by location. IMO, this would be better as a
> separate app than trying to hack drupal. Any takers? :)
> I think using the existing templates makes a lot of sense. My main
> recommendation for typography (and I'm as far from knowing what I'm
> talking about as anyone) would be to pick a single face. As a
> non-designer I try to keep the visual hierarchy as simple as possible,
> using size and weight and staying away from colour, style, and white
> space for defining importance. These can all used effectively, but are
> easier to mess up too.
> Jason
> On 2010-06-05, Seven (aka Arnulf)<seven at arnulf.us>  wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Cameron,
>> this should be tied directly to the project overviews / info sheets [1]
>> that are already available on the OSGeo website and "should" be
>> maintained by the projcets themselves. Tyler has provided really nicely
>> layouted templates to do just this. To me it does not make sense to make
>> projects deliver several different version that need to be maintained
>> and updated separately. It is hard enough to nudge, encourage and coerce
>> folks to maintain one such artefact.
>> We would need to check what to do with projects that have so far not
>> shown any interest / do not plan to get involved more closely with OSGeo
>> (yet). But I guess that a more neutral layout should be easy to glean
>> from what is there already.
>> Jason,
>> some time back we envisaged a project template with a free space in the
>> lower right corner. At conferences this can be used for some neutral
>> OSGeo info or business cards for folks appearing at an OSGeo booth.
>> Companies providing support can use these templates to add their logo /
>> stamp / business card in the lower right corner.
>> Sponsorship prospectus;
>> We (so far Tyler, Jeff and me) try improve our sponsorship prospectus
>> and we came up with a related idea to provide these flyer / brochure /
>> info sheets as readily printed out marketing material as an asset for
>> OSGeo sponsors. They can use shiny "original" OSGeo material for
>> marketing and add their brand to it with very little effort. This is
>> especially interesting for smaller companies who in general do not care
>> / spend little time on creating marketing material. This would be a real
>> net added value for them and would mean little extra effort for OSGeo.
>> Would that be a type of commercial hint / support that goes better with
>> your concerns?
>> Best regards,
>> Arnulf.
>> [1] as examples: http://www.osgeo.org/mapserver
>> http://www.osgeo.org/grass and so on
>> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>> For the OSGeo Live DVD that we are developing for FOSS4G 2010, we will
>>> be asking all applications to provide a punchy, one page overview of
>>> their project.
>>> This overview will conveniently double as Project Flier to hand out at
>>> conference stands, and also be a page in a book of OSGeo projects.
>>> The aim of these overview pages is to have them be consistent, sexy, and
>>> sell OSGeo in a positive, professional manner.
>>> To support this, I've created the attached pdf template. Please review
>>> and provide feedback before we set the template in stone, and ask all
>>> projects to create material against this template.
>>> Template source:
>>> https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/descriptions/postgis_overview.odt
>>> Marketing artefact definition:
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Artefacts#Application_Overview
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>> - --
>> Arnulf Christl
>> Exploring Space, Time and Mind
>> http://arnulf.us
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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