[OSGeo-Discuss] Edmonton - MapGuide User Group Meeting (also on LiveMeeting)

Chris Webber cw at pat.ca
Tue Jun 15 20:08:15 EDT 2010

AGENDA - MapGuide User Group Meeting
Learn about the latest MapGuide Developments





June 22, noon - 2 pm
Sierra Systems, 10104-103rd Avenue, Suite 1300 Bell Tower, Edmonton

Lunch included at this free event

What you'll learn

Are you interested in learning how your peers are using web-mapping to
improve their bottom-lines?  Whether you're a MapGuide user, or just
interested - Don't miss the MapGuide Edmonton User Group to learn about
the latest on MapGuide Open Source (MGOS) and MapGuide Enterprise: 

*	Learn where others are using the free MGOS to complement their
commercial CAD and GIS software
*	Share ideas on how others are using MapGuide solutions meet
their needs 
*	Expand your GIS knowledge with training on a variety of topics 

12:00  Introduction and Opening

12:15  MIMS - Your Assets in MapGuide

Presenters:  Evan Clark & Andrei Sinelnikov, Sierra Systems

What is MIMS: Affordable geospatially enabled infrastructure asset
management solution. 


What is MIMS v5:  Complete technology upgrade to a web-based platform
using Service Orientated Architecture, MapGuide Open Source v2...,
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as a geospatially enabled database, .NET
Framework 3.5, C#, and SaaS.


What we did with MGOS:  We will review the pros and cons of each
technology and share hurdles that were overcome. 

1.       MS SQL 2008 as GIS data store

2.       Shape file import into MS SQL Server 2008

3.      Challenges with FDO

4.      AJAX Viewer vs. Fusion Viewer

5.      Creating/Updating/Deleting MGOS objects on the fly (Feature
Source/Layer/Map/Thematic Layer)

6.      Geography vs Geometry

7.      Collaboration

12:45  Integration of MapGuide with Diamond Municipal Financial Software
Presenters:  Eric Schwartz, Pacific Alliance Technologies & John Jakobs,
Diamond Municipal Solutions

Take MapGuide further by integrating it with other applications in your
organization.  Eric will illustrate the integration of MapGuide with a
financial system.  He will also review other common uses of MapGuide
Open Source and will provide a quick review of authoring tools:  Maestro
or Studio. 

13:30 - 14:00  Open Discussion on MapGuide and Local Applications

Haven't Registered?  Questions?

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact
Gloria Shin by e-mail at gs at pat.ca <mailto:gs at pat.ca>  or via telephone
at 877.691.9171, extension 108.


Prefer to Attend On-line?


Meeting ID: RM97ST 
Entry Code: 92-$d3R 


If your computer doesn't have speakers:

Toll-free: +1 (866) 521-4642 
Participant code: 5148745243 


Apologies for cross-postings.


Best regards,

Chris Webber, Founder 
Pacific Alliance Technologies, Inc.
T 604.676.6000 EXT 102  www.pat.ca <http://www.pat.ca> 
Put your Enterprise Data on the Map with the new iVAULT 3.1 Release

Click here to attend a live iVAULT webinar

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