[OSGeo-Discuss] displaying complex GML in web-based enviroment ? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Bruce Bannerman B.Bannerman at bom.gov.au
Tue Jun 15 17:55:43 EDT 2010

CSIRO have a portal [1] that can consume WFS 3.1.1 including Complex Features as well as WMS.

This was created as part of their GeoSciML collaborative work to consume and display data from Australian State Geoscience organisations.

The work was created by Rob Woodcock's Auscope team.

I'm not sure if it has been released under an Open Source license, though much of their work has been.

Andrea, I think that you have contacts on this team via the GeoServer community.

[1] http://portal.auscope.org/gmap.html

Bruce Bannerman

On 16/06/10 12:28 AM, "Raj Singh" <raj at rajsingh.org> wrote:

I would love to know this too!

On Jun 15, at 10:00 AM, andrea giacomelli wrote:

> Hi - I received a request from a team who is not (yet) on the discussion list
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> ...We are looking for free/open source package which can display
> complex GML 3.1.1 features in a web based environment, and supports
> both WFS and WMS
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> TIA for any feedback
> Andrea
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