[OSGeo-Discuss] WorldCities database Free and OpenSource

António Rocha toyze.rocha at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 09:31:29 PST 2010


I'm doing a small tool to calculate distances between cities. I mean, I
enter City of origin geographic position and city of destination geographic
position and I calculate distances. The thing is, everytime I have to check
at GOOGLE Earth a city position and it's getting to be a long a heavy task
to do.

I realized that, this guys
http://www.assemblysys.com/dataservices/db_details.php?db=3 are distributing
a database with cities geographic positions but this is PAID :( . What I
wanted to know is if there is any tool/software/database free, open source
where I can do exacly the same without having to pay for that. And even,
maybe add a few cities positions and contribute to the project

Thank you
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