[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: fastest option of serving huge imagery on web map on the fly

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Sat May 22 07:53:17 PDT 2010

On 21.05.2010, at 22:11, karsten vennemann wrote:
> Ok I was not yet familiar how MapProxy really works - from what I read it
> seemed not to store any physical tiles I thought (only the request
> parameters), but I guess that is wrong ..

It does cache tiles permanently on disk. It does this in advance, on demand or never, depending on your configuration. So you can pre-cache (seed) everything till resolution x, cache on demand till resolution y and then pass through all requests below this resolution. 
That way you can keep your cache to a reasonable size, while still getting good performance.


Oliver Tonnhofer <olt at omniscale.de>
Omniscale - Dominik Helle, Oliver Tonnhofer GbR
Nadorster Str. 60, 26123 Oldenburg
Tel: +49(0)441/9392774-2 (Fax: 9)

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