[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: fastest option of serving huge imagery on web map on the fly

karsten vennemann karsten at terragis.net
Fri May 21 13:11:29 PDT 2010

Thanks all so far for the responses.

Re: Bob I will check out your site more closely . And I will try to find out
about dropping and adding pixels with MapServer (not familiar with that

> From: miblon
> In my opinion (but of course Karsten needs to answer that 
> himself) he needs WMS as I think he mentioned before. I may 
> be wrong assuming that mapproxy caches every unique wms 
> request as a unique image.

For this exercise I do not necessarily need WMS because I was pretty pleased
with the zoomify layers in OpenLayers serves by IIPImage server. 

> Oliver Tonnhofer wrote
> > I don't understand that. MapProxy does cache square tiles 
> and if 60TB are a valid estimate for TileCache and 
> GeoWebCache, than this should also apply to MapProxy.

Ok I was not yet familiar how MapProxy really works - from what I read it
seemed not to store any physical tiles I thought (only the request
parameters), but I guess that is wrong ..

> > Karsten mentioned OpenLayers, so I guess tiled services 
> like TMS are an option. MapProxy, TileCache and GeoWebCache 
> should all be able to handle that without caching in advance. 

That could be a really viable option - only to cache what is needed and I
guess my clients could scale up his infrastructure once more is needed then
there likely would be also more customers to support that...

> MapProxy comes with full HTTP cache control, you can limit 
> the resolution till images should be cached (other requests 
> will be passed to the WMS) and if some clients require full 
> WMS you can use MapProxy's WMS and benefit from the cached 
> tiles. All points that are quite useful in this scenario.

I think I will really need to read in details the doc of MapProxy's first to
find out what all it can do...

But essentially my initial quest was to find out what are my  fastest
options to render imagery (and best compressed raw imagery which takes up
5TB storage rather than uncompressed raw imagery (tiffs that would take up
60TB of space) and to render those on the fly which out caching anything
tiles on disk....
That means with rendering engine which raw file format which output format
what other considerations ...
So if anyone has comments on that as well I would appreciate very much. Fort
now I think the best bet I found was using jp2 imagery as raw input
(carefully converted from MrSid to make them render fast aka following these
instructions on this site : http://help.oldmapsonline.org/jpeg2000/), using
IIPImage server and a zoomify layer in Openlayers ... Any other better
(faster) options ?


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