[OSGeo-Discuss] Google Summer of Code: second call for students and mentors

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 07:06:52 PDT 2011

Hi all, and sorry for cross-posting,

this is a reminder that students application period is closing soon, on
April 8th 19:00 UTC :

So if you would like to participate as student:
      * read the list of ideas of your favourite projects
      * contact the developers to show interest for one or more ideas or
        to discuss your own idea
      * most important: submit your application to Melange before the
        deadline! It's better to write an almost perfect proposal than
        to have no application at all. Remember that you can edit the
        application up to the deadline, and answer mentors comments up
        to April 22nd. 

A reminder for OSGeo projects and mentors: 
      * be sure to list all nice GSoC ideas on the relative page, and
        have available mentors for them;
      * advertise GSoC on your communication channels, and be available
        to discuss ideas with would-be students
      * Remind the students to put the proposal into Melange. If it
        isn't in Melange it doesn't exist.

Here is the link to apply, for both students and mentors:

Looking forward to see more applications!

Anne Ghisla
OSGeo GSoC Co-admin

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