[OSGeo-Discuss] designing databases,organizing data formats to work with open source and proprie

Eli Adam EAdam at co.lincoln.or.us
Wed Aug 10 11:29:58 PDT 2011


      I've not tried it myself, but this Q&A indicates that with 10.1 you can read directly from PostGIS.  Although not entirely clear, simple editing may be available as well but not "complex spatial data and transactions ... ( i.e., topology, rasters, networks, replication, and archiving)."


Depending on particulars, PostGIS data in ESRI products may be totally trivial.  I'm sure we'll hear from you as you find out.  

Best Regards, Eli

>>> On 8/10/2011 at 10:42 AM, in message
<B2BC41634FCE437884D50D1217EA5222 at snuggie>, "karsten vennemann"
<karsten at terragis.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> in the near future I will have the opportunity to help design databases, 
> decide on data formats (files data) for an international organization that 
> wishes to be able to use both proprietary and open source based systems, 
> mostly in web mapping solution but also possibly on the desktop. The task 
> will be to design and organize the data stores in a way that both types of 
> systems - open source (e.g. MapServer, OpenLayers) and proprietary systems 
> (ESRI Arc Server) can use them well, and along the way to try to avoid too 
> much data duplication (having to store data in multiple formats just to make 
> them accessible) .
> This sounds to like a exiting & useful, fun task, but given the limitations 
> of both systems (regarding input data that might not work out of the box- 
> namely file Geodatabases in open source solutions, and PostGIS data in ESRI 
> products) might be not totally trivial ;)
> I was wondering if anybody has done work on this, has implemented systems 
> facing the same issues or knows of projects or reports that have been dealing 
> with similar issues. Also I anybody has comments about what data storage 
> solution you would recommend and comments about the pro and cons of certain 
> storage designs please send it to the list.
> Looking forward to hear what other have come up with.
> Thanks a lot
> Cheers
> Karsten
> Karsten Vennemann
> Principal
> Terra GIS LTD
> USA 
> www.terragis.net

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