[OSGeo-Discuss] idrological data from european states

Johannes Radinger JRadinger at gmx.at
Mon Jan 31 10:04:18 PST 2011

Hi Marco,

just some additional information about Austria's hydrological 
information network:

there is a hydrological atlas in digital form: 
It is possible to extract several GIS Data (precipitation, snow, 
climatic things, etc.) from the HAO-Cd.

For water issues, each of the nine "bundesländer" has an own department, 
but there is also the central
"Hydrologisches Zentralbüro" which is publishing the annual hydrological 
yearbook for all stations in
Austria (incl. the long term trends etc.) and are also responsible for 
the digital version on the Cd.
This central office is situated in the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, 
Forestry, Environment and Water Management.

hope you can find what you're looking for

Am 31.01.2011 18:47, schrieb Silvia Franceschi:
> Hi Marco,
> I have some experience with Austrian data and it's seems to be similar 
> to Italian, the responsible for the hydrologic data are the local 
> administrations "lands".
> So if you need the data you have to request them to the "land" where 
> you are working.
> For some meteo data the responsible is the ZAMG, you can request them 
> to it, especially temperature, pressure and so on.
> Hope this helps
> Silvia
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 6:07 PM, marco.donnini at tiscali.it 
> <mailto:marco.donnini at tiscali.it> <marco.donnini at tiscali.it 
> <mailto:marco.donnini at tiscali.it>> wrote:
>     Hi!
>     I'm searching idrological data of Alps (rain/snow, temperature of
>     air).
>     In Italy the "regions" have the duty of manage the idrometric
>     stations.
>     In Switzerland, France, Austria and Germany who have this
>     duty?
>     Moreover I don't know the administrative division of these
>     states...
>     someone can help me?
>     thank you very much!!
>     marco
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