[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member Nomination: Fernando Quadro

Felipe Costa fsc7 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 8 20:34:24 PST 2011


Since brazilian community was cited as an active group, and I'm not seeing till this moment any indication from Brazil, I'll start nominating Fernando Quadro.
He's very active in promoting OSGeo technologies here in Brazil and is great guy to work with.
I have the pleasure to collaborate with him at FOSSGIS Brasil magazine (www.fossgisbrasil.com.br) and I can say he is terrific manager.
He founded the geoserver brazilian mailing list in 2007 and till today help new users with their problems. He also collaborate with projects like uDig (translating), Openlayers, Postgis, Mapserver... and have a blog where he promotes FOSSGIS stuff  http://www.fernandoquadro.com.br/html/
I think he can help Brazilian Chapter finally be created if he becomes a Charter Member.

Best regards,
Felipe dos Santos Costa

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Ao seu encontro caminharemos com louvores, e com cantos de alegria o celebremos!
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