[OSGeo-Discuss] nominating Eli Adam

David Percy percyd at pdx.edu
Tue Nov 15 11:54:59 PST 2011

I'd like to nominate Eli Adam to be a charter member. Eli has been
active in the OSGEO in many ways, including the Journal, Marketing,
and a few others that I wasn't even aware of until recently.

He has been absolutely instrumental in getting our local chapter,
PDX-OSGEO (Oregon, SW-Washington area) into incubation status at
OSGEO, and generally plays a leadership role.

He also actively participates in several open source gis projects, and
works for municipal government bringing open source solutions as often
as possible/practical.


David Percy
Geospatial Data Manager
Map Wrangler
GIS Instructor
Portland State University

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