[OSGeo-Discuss] GeoCoworking

Oscar Fonts oscar.fonts at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 03:49:31 PST 2011


I'm co-working @ Espai13 [1], Vic, 70km away from Barcelona.

But, as Fernando, not with other geo-geeks. Not even programmers.
Which I think is quite sane :)

To share nearby geo-geekness we have the "geoinquiets" meetings in
Barcelona [2] - there are groups also in Madrid, Galicia, Cantabria
and Valencia, so far [3].


[1] http://www.osm.org/?mlat=41.931752&mlon=2.257816&zoom=15&layers=M
[2] http://www.geoinquiets.cat/
[3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Geoinquietos

2011/11/17 Fernando González <fergonco at gmail.com>:
> Hi. For the survey: I cowork with some potential users. They are "geo"
> but not very "geeks". I think there is some potential to collaborate
> but so far it's just that I tell them how to use gvSIG when they get
> stuck :(. Anyway It's more than I expected in Albacete(Spain).

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