[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Board] Signing off...

Mark Lucas mlucas17 at mac.com
Thu Nov 17 11:50:45 PST 2011


Thanks for all of your support over the years.  It was through your personal efforts with Gary and Autodesk that we were able to get the organization really moving.  I look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.

Mark Lucas

On Nov 17, 2011, at 2:18 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

> FYI - I've removed myself from the following email aliases:
> info, board-priv, treasurer
> And from the following mailing lists:  board, finance, incubator, soc
> Just letting you know so you don't assume I read something that you might want a
> answer from me on.  So please email me directly (tmitchell at osgeo.org) with any OSGeo 
> questions.  I set it up so I can cc: the board list and it will go through, in case you want me
> to answer a question more broadly, but I won't be watching the day-to-day traffic from here
> on out.
> Thanks,
> Tyler
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> Board at lists.osgeo.org
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