[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter nominees -- please speak up!

Gabriel Roldan groldan at opengeo.org
Sat Nov 26 20:49:17 PST 2011

Hi all,

please accept my apologies for this late reply, as I just came back
from my honeymoon and have been almost completely away from internet
for the past two weeks.

My name is Gabriel Roldán, and I am honored to be nominated as an
OsGeo Charter Member by the generous Spanish Chapter board members,
which I take the opportunity to thank.

I've started as an Open Source developer wannabe since my first year
of Computer Science career at Instituto Politecnico Superior -
Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina, thanks to the visionary
professors that promoted a three year programming career completely
based on GNU/Linux, back in 1995. So I shared this vision during the
two years I studied computer science while at the same time studied
Architecture, to then drop the architecture career as I found myself
really comfortable with programming and committed to the Open Source
and Free Software movement.
So during 1997 I started working on a GIS edit tool in C++, OpenGL and
GTK+, while working and learning GIS at the Remote Sensing and GIS
department. A couple years later moved to Buenos Aires where working
as a programmer found the opportunity to do some Web-GIS development,
but it wasn't until 2003 when I had the opportunity to actually become
an Open Source GIS developer while working at a local government
company in Spain, joining the GeoTools and GeoServer communities.
>From that time on I spent most of the time pushing for local
governments to move from proprietary to Open Source solutions, hence
getting even more deep into GeoTools and GeoServer development.

Joined OpenGeo late 2007 as a Software Developer and since then had
the chance to work on a wider set of Open Source projects, becoming a
GeoServer and GeoWebCache core developer, keeping a more or less
steady relationship with GeoTools development, and contributing to the
OpenGeo Suite and GeoNode projects, besides some minor contributions
to the gvSig and uDig projects.

This last year has been intense due to the participation in the OGC
OWS-8 test bed developing an implementation of the OGC
GeoSynchronization Service 1.0 spec backed by the new OpenGeo's GeoGit
project, which aims to become a distributed version control system for
geodata, written in Java and inspired on the GIT distributed version
control system concepts.

I also had the honor to be part of the Scientific Committee to various
editions of the excellent Girona Free GIS Conference and FOSS4G2010,
as well as to give talks or tutorials at Girona, 2009 Buenos Aires'
gvSig Users Conference, 2010 Brazilian Latinoware Conference, and

Finally, while I'm not very active on the OsGeo mailing lists, I more
or less closely follow 10 of them and have been on the Spanish Chapter
almost since its inception. If at all, the one thing I think I could
be of help with if elected, is helping the Fundation develop stronger
relationships with the Latin American FOSS4G development communities.



Gabriel Roldan
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.

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