[OSGeo-Discuss] Friendly Reminder: Charter Member Election Vote - 2 days left

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Sun Nov 27 21:38:33 PST 2011

We received the votes from 62 charter members so far, and 42 members 
have not voted yet.

It is still November 27 in some timezones for another 6 or 7 hours, so 
this means that if you have not voted yet, you have a few hours left to 
send your votes.


On 11-11-25 02:50 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
> OSGeo Charter Members,
> This is a friendly reminder that you only have two days left to vote for
> the 2011 OSGeo Charter Member Election. The voting period ends in 2
> days, at the end of the day on Sunday Nov 27, 2011.
> If you are a charter member and didn't vote yet, then please do so ASAP.
> A copy of the initial announcement follows...
> ...
> Dear OSGeo Charter Member,
> The voting period for the 2011 OSGeo Charter Member Election has begun.
> This year there are 34 great candidates for only 20 slots so you will
> have some tough choices to make.
> The official list of nominees and descriptions for each one is available
> online here:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_Member_Nominations_2011
> (the list is in the order that the nominations were received)
> Please take some time to review the full list and then send your votes
> to cro at osgeo.org
> * Only Charter Members are eligible to vote!
> * Please email cro at osgeo.org with a list of names 20 lines long (one
> vote per new member slot).
> * You can vote for 20 different people, or the same person 20 times, or
> any balance in between.
> * Ballots that do not respect those rules risk being rejected
> * Voting closes at 23:59 (your timezone) on Sunday November 27, 2011
> * Here is the list of nominees in plain text (to copy/paste from for
> your votes), in the same order that they appear in the official list:
> Kwangwoo Nam
> Minpa Lee
> Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
> Suchith Anand
> Brian Case
> Sanghee Shin
> Luca Delucchi
> Vincent Picavet
> Eric Lemoine
> Yoicihi Kayama
> Xianfeng Song
> Dirk Frigne
> Martin Daly
> Maning Sambale
> Fernando Quadro
> Tim Sutton
> Margherita Di Leo
> Nicolas Bozon
> Massimo Di Stefano
> Evans Ikua
> Even Rouault
> Luiz Motta
> George Silva
> Robert Anderson
> Edmar Moretti
> G.Hanumantha Rao
> Jachym Cepicky
> Stephen Woodbridge
> Gabriel Roldán
> Martin Landa
> Lluís Vicens
> Eli Adam
> Franz-Josef Behr
> Bob Basques
> IMPORTANT: There are 104 charter members voting for 20 candidates, so
> this means 2080 votes to compile. Please follow the requested format
> when you cast your votes to make it as easy as possible to automate the
> compilation process.
> * Once again: one vote per line, up to 20 lines, emailed to cro at osgeo.org *
> Thank you!
> Daniel Morissette (OSGeo CRO, 2011)
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