[OSGeo-Discuss] help with catalog of OGC services

heikki tropicano at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 10:53:19 PDT 2011

dear John,

GeoNetwork can do exactly that : it can generate metadata about a W*S
service and its layers. Just configure it with the correct URL etc. to
"harvest" and your metadata gets generated, with thumbnail previews if you

Anything against using GeoNetwork for this ? You can just use it to create
your metadata in this way and have it served as a CSW server. Nobody
requires you to use the metadata editor, etc -- those parts will just sit
there and when left alone have no impact on how heavy the application runs.

Maybe you should cross-post to the GeoNetwork list if you have more
questions about this ?

Kind regards
Heikki Doeleman

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 7:33 PM, John Callahan <john.callahan at udel.edu>wrote:

> Thanks Bob.  I do know of GeoMoose and like what it can do.  However, in
> this case I'm not looking for a map-based interface but rather a catalog of
> my existing services.  Something that can read the GetCap information for
> each service and make that available to a CSW client and/or through a web
> interface listing.
> - John
> ***********************************************
> John Callahan, Research Scientist
> Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
> URL: http://www.dgs.udel.edu
> *************************************************
> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Bob Basques <Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us>wrote:
>>  John,
>>  GeoMoose operates against data sources similarly to your descriptions.
>>  Each data source has it's own MapFile control for the MapServer engine, and
>> you can also let GeoMoose access the WMS services directly if you wish.
>>  This makes the addition of new layers very easy in the configuration of the
>> GeoMoose catalog (MAPBOOK)
>>  bobb
>> >>> John Callahan <john.callahan at udel.edu> wrote:
>> I have about 15 or so OGC services running with MapServer, mostly WMS but
>> a few WFS and hopefully some WCS in the future. I'd like to have an easy way
>> for users to browse through my services. Of course, I can manually create a
>> web page listing my services but there should be something better. A CSW
>> catalog would be nice as traditional desktop GIS users can easily
>> browse/search and add my services directly to their GIS. It'd also be great
>> if my services could be harvested by other catalogs.
>>   Does anyone know of a way to run a CSW-compliant app by simply adding
>> existing etCapability URLs? I know about GeoNetwork but it doesn't seem like
>> I need the full GUI or multi-user editor as it's only me (plus I'd rather
>> not have to manually create/maintain records for each service as I think I'd
>> have to with GN.) Does anyone know if MapServer can perform like a CSW,
>> perhaps by pointing to local map files?
>>   In the end, I'm looking for a way to easily maintain a catalog of OGC
>> services through integrating existing services as much as possible. Thanks
>> for any guidance.
>>   - John
>>   ***********************************************
>> John Callahan, Research Scientist
>> Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
>> URL: http://www.dgs.udel.edu
>> *************************************************
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