[OSGeo-Discuss] Recommended Geography grad programs

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Thu Feb 9 13:50:34 PST 2012

On 02/09/2012 01:35 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:
> On 02/09/2012 10:04 AM, Jake Sopher wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm finishing up my degree in Geography @ University of California,
>> Santa Barbara, and I'm interested in (hopefully somewhat funded)
>> graduate programs in Geography that would allow me to use my coding
>> skills to develop Open Source GIS solutions for credit.
>> I'm open to international programs, as well ones located in North
>> America.
>> Sincerely,
>> Jacob Sopher
>> --------
>> http://about.me/jesopher
> Jacob,
> Here's a list of some potential people to talk (professors and students)
> to for more information about programs and to help track down professors
> you might work with. You might also want to join the osgeo EDU committee
> mailing list where some of these people are involved.
> Arizona - Luc Anselin
> Penn State - Ian Turton
> OSU - Bernhard Jenny, Dylan Keon
> UC Santa Barbara- Michael Goodchild, Alan Glennon (Phd student under
> Goodchild)
> UC Davis - Robert Hijmans, Jim Quinn
> Towson University, Maryland -Jay Morgan
> Denver - Ben Tuttle, Eric Wolf
> University of Wisconsin - Mark Harrower
> University of Mass. Amherst - Charlie Schweik
> Univ. North Carolina - Helena Mitasova
> Harvard - http://geonode.org/2011/02/worldmap/
> Stanford - Though I'm not sure who
> I'm a little biased of course towards my program,
> http://geography.ucdavis.edu
> Jim Quinn is my advisor and I work closely with Robert Hijmans (author
> of the Raster package for R).
> FYI, funding is whole different ball of wax that is often about finding
> a professor you want to work with that has an interesting project you
> want to work on.
> Enjoy,
> Alex
> Phd Candidate
> Geography Grad Group - UC Davis

By no means a comprehensive list but I realize I forgot a few names 
immediately. Apologies to anyone I've missed, in some ways it's a good 
thing that I can't count the number of options on one hand.

San Diego State - Ming Tsou
Somewhere in England - Haklay
Univ Nottingham - Suchith Anand
Canada - Thierry Badard

I want to say there are a couple of universities with official MOUs with 
OSGeo besides Nottingham but I can't recall right now which.


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