[OSGeo-Discuss] Call for photographers and videographers at FOSS4G 2013

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sun Aug 18 12:51:20 PDT 2013

On 18 August 2013 19:11, Steven Feldman <shfeldman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know who is the owner/moderator of the FOSS4G Group on flickr?


I'm the creator of the FOSS4G group [1] as well as the OSGeo [2] group

If you join the group and send me your username, I will add you
as an admin if you like.

[1] http://www.flickr.com/groups/foss4g/
[2] http://www.flickr.com/groups/osgeo/

Best regards,
Mateusz  Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
"Participation in this whole process is a form of torture" ~~ Szalony

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