[OSGeo-Discuss] Mailmain password reminders

Yves Jacolin (Free) yjacolin at free.fr
Mon Aug 26 04:32:57 PDT 2013


Done for the Francophone and board-fr mailing lists.

It is quiet easy to do it, may be a call for each mailing list manager could 
be sent?


Le lundi 26 août 2013 08:30:32 Jeff McKenna a écrit :
> I did start to go through each list one by one manually a few months
> ago to change that setting...but I may have given up at some point.
> Hopefully some mailman-guru can step up to let us know the magical
> setting for all lists.  Or could it be some sort of job/script that
> runs each time a new list is created?  Not sure.
> -jeff
> On 2013-08-26 5:44 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:
> > Folks, apparently some lists still have the monthly password
> > reminder active. I remember that there was general consent that we
> > should turn these off. But Mailman does not have an option to do
> > this for all lists at once (or /me too dumb to find the setting).
> > OSGeo currently operates 200 public plus a few dozen private lists
> > and I am too lazy to check them all individually. But I did turn
> > off discuss (this one) and a few other larger onces now.
> > 
> > Please feel free to ping me if you are on a list that still reminds
> > you and want it turned off by an admin.
> > 
> > If you are a list operator yourself please check the setting "Send
> > monthly password reminders?" and set it to off - except at least
> > 51% of your subscribers cry out in pain and want it back on. :-)
> > 
> > Have fun, Arnulf
> > 
> > ___
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