[OSGeo-Discuss] Open Data, Open Source or Open Configuration, is there a method for Open Sourcing a particular configuration of Open Source projects?

Arnie Shore shoreas at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 08:23:45 PST 2013

All, my ears are way up on this.  In addition to a native one written
by Andy here, we're doing AVL within our Tickets CAD application by
connecting to the respective proprietary servers, rather than
accommodating n end-devices (where n is a large number!)

We've written parsers for each of the supported systems, and I can say
that each such is a bit of an adventure.    (The Good Lord must love
standards; She made so many of them.)

So, I'm listening.

Veni, Vidi, Velcro

On 2/6/13, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) <bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us> wrote:
> All,
> Seems like a simple question, but I'm not so positive the more I think about
> it.
> We've been working on an Automatic Vehicle Location application that is
> loosely built on OpenSource Projects.  I say loosely because most if not all
> of the Open Source components could be swapped out for Commercial versions
> if needed.  There was a desire early on to eventually open source parts of
> the project in some manner.  Currently this open sourced aspect is looking
> like a configuration/specification for how data is stored and transferred
> between the components, and this is what we propose to open up to the
> community.  It's heavily focused on the geospatial aspects for obvious
> reasons, but I would suspect there may be other uses for the configuration
> unrelated to tracking of vehicle locations.
> Currently the components being used are (and there will likely be more in
> the future) are:
> MapServer
> OpenLayers
> GeoMoose
> Postgres/PostGIS
> Each of the these components has been configured specifically for the
> project and these configuration templates would be included as part of the
> project.  There could even be an installer script included at some point.
> So, to put it more simply, does anyone here have any suggestions/comments on
> how to proceed with project packaging?
> Thanks
> Bobb

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