[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G North America - Blind voting

Martin Feuchtwanger feumar at shaw.ca
Thu Jan 17 15:06:58 PST 2013

I think this (Cameron's) is a terrible, outmoded concept, just reeking 
if the "old boy" network, "old school tie" mentality.
Proposals should be judged at face value, not on some preconceived 
notions of what was good before now.
Bravo to the organizing committee for suggesting blind (unbiased) judgments!

Martin Feuchtwanger  feumar at shaw.ca  604-254-0361
302 - 1429 E 4th Ave,  Vancouver, BC  V5N 1J6

On 17/01/2013 11:24 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> in selecting Open Source presentations, I think it is very important 
> to know who will be presenting, almost as important as the 
> presentation content itself. This is because the presenters who will 
> have the most insightful content, and who will attract the most 
> audience are usually those who have built up a large, very public 
> reputation, (as leaders of open source communities, usually with a 
> long history of insightful emails, blogs, and IRC trails). 

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