[OSGeo-Discuss] Defining a GIO position (or attmepting to . . .)

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Wed Oct 16 08:09:30 PDT 2013

Maybe take it from a different angle?

- Open Source software facilitates interoperability


- Open Source software breaks vendor lock-in

Vendor lock-in is a tactic used to protect a vendor's licensing revenue 
stream by ensuring that customers cannot easily switch to another suite 
of software, and interoperability through open standards and truly open 
APIs is the best cure I can think of against that. Open Source software 
excels at interoperability because the "vendor lock-in gene" is 
generally absent from the DNA of its developers.


P.S. I see that Arnie Shore beat me by sending something along the same 
lines a few seconds ago, but I thought I'd hit send anyway

On 13-10-16 10:50 AM, María Arias de Reyna wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
> <bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I wonder if I could get some feedback on the following statement, I’m
>> looking for the other side of the argument (I know it’s hard to put yourself
>> there  :c).
>> “Open Source software enforces standards”
>> Now this might be better worded, and it seems straight forward enough here.
>> I’m trying to define a GIO position such that it doesn’t reference anything
>> commercial, but will still cover those commercial packages at the same time.
>> I’m basically thinking about going the route of data standards both for
>> archiving as well as distribution.
>> So, what would you anticipate the other side of the argument (Our Human
>> Resources section in this case) to reply to the above statement, as if they
>> wanted to include some specific commercial application in the assigned
>> duties, for example.  In the end I’m trying to get out of a long winded
>> statement about why an open approach is better than a commercial one and the
>> standards piece seem to be the best topic to base the discussion on.
> In my experience (maybe because I don't discuss this with people who
> know much about the subject so they have very basic opinions), they
> usually come with:
>   * Standars aren't the better format to work with
>   * Propietary standards can be more efficient because they are
> optimized for the propietary software
>   * We already have the information on the propietary format and don't
> want to migrate
> And, of course:
>   * Our propietary solution also works with standards (this is very
> tricky to fight against)
> Good luck!
> María.
>> Thanks
>> Bobb
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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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