[OSGeo-Discuss] UK Interoperability Assessment Plugfest

Peter Cotroneo Peter.Cotroneo at ordnancesurvey.co.uk
Thu Sep 26 04:52:56 PDT 2013


I'm leading a joint Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and Ordnance Survyey interoperability plugfest to test OGC standards in the UK geospatial community.  So far, there has been a lot of interest from commercial vendors in the UK, and I would very much like that the open source community be represented at the plugfest as well.

The plugfest will be held at Ordnance Survey headquarters in Southampton, UK.  There will be two sprints, one on the 17th of October and the other on the 9th of December.  There will also be a results presentation on the 10th of December.

The following link gives more information about the plugfest, including a call for participation document.


The deadline to participate is the 2nd of October.  I hope that OSGeo can join us!



Peter Cotroneo CGeog (GIS) FRGS
Senior Manager - Geospatial Web Services
Products & Innovation
Ordnance Survey
Adanac Drive
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