[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSDEM 2015: proposal for a geospatial devroom

Johan Van de Wauw johan.vandewauw at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 14:32:57 PDT 2014


> Good idea. You might want to weave in concepts of an OSGeo Code Sprint,
> and/or OSGeoLive event?
I've been thinking about doing a codesprint friday before the
conference (should we have devroom).With presentations in 15 parallel
sessions [1] in other rooms I think we will not attract anyone for a
codesprint during the conference.

I should also add that the technical level of most participants of
FOSDEM is *very* high (eg open source companies as Red Hat and Mozilla
fly in hordes of engineers). I think you are more likely to find new
developers for projects than translators. Or for OsGeo live packagers
(lots of debian developers are present).

For everyone reading this: this should be a very good reason to
present *your project or idea* there :-)

[1]to get an idea, the schedule for last edition:

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