[OSGeo-Discuss] [location-iwg] FOSDEM 2015: proposal for a geospatial devroom

Martin Hammitzsch martin.hammitzsch at gmail.com
Thu Aug 7 01:29:52 PDT 2014

Hi Johan,

I am bit lost in understanding the format of devrooms. First I was
thinking of a space where developers meet for pitching their ideas and
forming groups to get their hands dirty in 1-3 days of collaborative
ideas generation, of drafting concepts, and of programming. But then I
read something about talks and checked the schedule of FOSDEM 2014 -
it seems that a devroom is something similar to a session or track we
know from other conferences and thus contains lots of talks instead of
programming. However, at least the talks seem to be from programmers
for programmers. Nevertheless, I am a bit confused.

I very much like the idea of a geospatial devroom. But I would be
happy to clarify first what format you and others have in mind - just
talks, unconference, hackdays, ..., a mix of it? Please let me know
what you have in mind.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


On 6 August 2014 09:11, Johan Van de Wauw <johan.vandewauw at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> FOSDEM[1] is a free open source event bringing together about 5000
> developers together in Brussels, Belgium. The goal is to provide open
> source software developers and communities a place to meet to. The
> next edition will take place the weekend 31/1 -> 1/2/2015.
> Last edition (in february this year) both Osgeo and Openstreetmap had
> a stand and there was a lot of interest in geospatial technologies.
> That is why the idea was coined to organise a geospatial devroom the
> next edition.
> Since the call for participation for developer rooms and main tracks
> is now open [2], I would like to start writing a proposal [3], so
> hopefully we can have a geospatial devroom next year.
> Rather than organising the devroom organised by one project FOSDEM
> really prefers joint organisation "Proposals involving collaboration
> across project or domain boundaries are strongly encouraged." That's
> why I'm sending this mail to Osgeo, OSM and locationtech.
> If you would like organising the devroom (writing the proposal and
> selecting the presentations) and will be present, please get in touch
> or add your name to my current draft proposal [3].
> Note that one can also propose main track presentations. For main
> track speakers travel expenses and accommodation will be covered by
> the organisation. This is not the case for the devroom.
> Finally a reminder that we are only sending a proposal for a devroom
> -> We are not sure it will be accepted. Competition will be fierce.
> Cheers,
> Johan
> [1] http://fosdem.org
> [2] https://fosdem.org/2015/news/2014-07-01-call-for-participation/
> [3] https://titanpad.com/GptTJKIKJB
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