[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: postgis 2.0.4 debian asBinary() function error

Johan Van de Wauw johan.vandewauw at gmail.com
Fri Feb 7 23:37:03 PST 2014

Try ST_AsBinary

PostGIS has begun a transition from the existing naming convention to
an SQL-MM-centric convention. As a result, most of the functions that
you know and love have been renamed using the standard spatial type
(ST) prefix. Previous functions are still available, though are not
listed in this document where updated functions are equivalent. The
non ST_ functions not listed in this documentation are deprecated and
will be removed in a future release so STOP USING THEM.



On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 5:46 AM, Max Demars <burton449geo at gmail.com> wrote:
> HI!
> I have installed postgis 2.0.4 on debian wheezy.
> Im trying to use mapnik but the asBinary function returnes error function
> does not exists
> the log is the following:
> ERROR:  function asbinary(geometry) does not exist
> LINE 1: SELECT AsBinary("geom_multipolygon") AS geom,"label" from (s...
> Postgis is installed correctly and the extension is created on the database.
> Any idea why this function not found and how to install it?
> Thanks
> Max Demars
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