[OSGeo-Discuss] Using ArcGIS Desktop with PostGIS [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Bruce Bannerman B.Bannerman at bom.gov.au
Thu Jul 10 21:56:31 PDT 2014


Does anyone have any experience using PostGIS as a vector spatial data source with ArcGIS Desktop as a client?

I’m particularly interested in our ArcGIS Desktop users being able to create, update and delete spatial data managed within a PostGIS environment, without the use of ArcSDE or similar middle wear.

Would you be interested in sharing any experiences that you’ve had from implementation to operational use?

We have a mixed spatial environment with both ArcGIS Desktop and open source Desktop GIS applications as client tools.

Provided that we can arrive at a good robust solution, I’d like to move our ArcGIS Desktop clients away from ArcSDE, and consolidate our vector spatial database environment on Postgres / PostGIS.


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