[OSGeo-Discuss] Using ArcGIS Desktop with PostGIS [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Gavin Fleming gavinjfleming at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 00:29:23 PDT 2014

Hi Bruce

I've done fairly  extensive research as this is a very common situation. 
The landscape is quite fluid though.

There are a few third party extensions out there but I haven't had much 
luck with them in a read-write production environment.

Native read support of PostGIS from ArcGIS desktop has been available 
for a few versions now. The clincher is write support. For that you need 
to pay up and as a minimum get ArcGIS Editor (now called Standard). 
ArcGIS ArcView (now called Basic) won't get you write access. And you 
can't get around it with WFS-T either.

So in a nutshell, to write to native PostGIS via a database connection 
or WFS-T you need either ArcGIS Standard ('Editor') or Enterprise 
('ArcInfo') or ArcGIS Server (set up to use native PostGIS geometry).


On 11/07/2014 06:56, Bruce Bannerman wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have any experience using PostGIS as a vector spatial data 
> source with ArcGIS Desktop as a client?
> I'm particularly interested in our ArcGIS Desktop users being able to 
> create, update and delete spatial data managed within a PostGIS 
> environment, without the use of ArcSDE or similar middle wear.
> Would you be interested in sharing any experiences that you've had 
> from implementation to operational use?
> We have a mixed spatial environment with both ArcGIS Desktop and open 
> source Desktop GIS applications as client tools.
> Provided that we can arrive at a good robust solution, I'd like to 
> move our ArcGIS Desktop clients away from ArcSDE, and consolidate our 
> vector spatial database environment on Postgres / PostGIS.
> Bruce
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Gavin Fleming
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South Africa
18°59'19.6"E 33°44'46.1"S

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