[OSGeo-Discuss] Proposed process for selecting OSGeo charter members

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 15:19:06 PDT 2014

Thanks all for the feedback.
One thing that you have made me realise is that the text was potentially 
unclear as to whether a person is eligible as a recognised community 
leader if they previously, but not currently hold a role as a PSC member 
(or similar). The intent is they should be eligible.

Re: "3 charter members" to vote. This was introduced to make it harder 
to rig the system. I expect that most established OSGeo communities will 
have 3 charter members. If not, people can still apply for charter 
member status under our previous voting process.
I agree that PSC membership for graduated OSGeo projects should suffice 
for validating that a candidate has contributed significantly to OSGeo, 
and as such should be considered automatically for OSGeo Charter status.
*I've updated text to reflect comments:

/Recognised OSGeo Community Leaders are defined as people who have been 
'''voted''' into a position of authority within official OSGeo projects 
and committees. *(This may refer to a current or previously held 
//Acceptable roles are currently limited to://
//* Project Steering Committee member of a Graduated OSGeo Project//
//* Chair of Official Local Chapter, *where the voting community 
includes at least '''3''' OSGeo charter members*//
//* Chair of an OSGeo committee, *where the voting community includes at 
least '''3''' OSGeo charter members*/*/
On 18/06/2014 5:48 am, Alex Mandel wrote:
> On 06/17/2014 12:22 PM, Eli Adam wrote:
>> I like the idea of the new Charter Membership rules.
>> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 9:43 AM, Jo Cook <jocook at astuntechnology.com> wrote:
>>> Hi List,
>>> Regarding the new proposal for voting in charter members- it's slightly
>>> off topic, but I doubt all existing Local Chapter representatives have been
>>> voted in by at least 3 charter members. That sets the bar quite high for
>>> new chapters as well- under the new regime if they have no existing chapter
>>> members it might not be possible for them to a) elect a chapter
>>> representative and b) get them elected as a charter member. Maybe I've
>>> misunderstood this part of the new rules?
>> I think that a) is still possible.  The Local Chapter can do what they want
>> regarding their internal workings.  I agree that b) could be impossible in
>> the scenario you describe.
>> Local Chapters are approved by the Board including a representative who
>> then becomes an Officer of OSGeo.[0]  Graduated OSGeo projects are approved
>> by both the Incubation Committee and the Board.  I think in these cases
>> where the Chapter/Project has already been approved by the Board, removing
>> the requirement "where the voting community includes at least *3* OSGeo
>> charter members" is reasonable.  Jo, do you think that the "where the
>> voting community includes at least *3* OSGeo charter members"requirement
>> should be removed for Official Local Chapters and Graduated OSGeo Projects?
> You are right, Local chapter liaisons probably don't need the specific
> 3. I find this whole thing odd because in California we gave the liaison
> position to whoever was willing to do it, not exactly an election...
> course we wouldn't want a local chapter to just keep switching liaison
> to get more charter members so they have enough vote to get a board
> member of their choosing... If we follow the only adding once a year -
> it should take too many years for this strategy to be worthwhile. More
> below.
>> You might want to clarify how the Charter Membership is tied to the elected
>> position.  Let's say I volunteer to chair the Web Committee now, then
>> become a Charter Member, then quit the Web Committee and someone else takes
>> it over.  Am I still a Charter Member?  Is the person who takes it over?  I
>> think that Charter Membership is lifetime unless you repeatedly  don't vote
>> or ask to not be a Charter Member, so that might address the first
>> question.  For the second question about the person who takes over
>> chairing, would it wait until the next Charter membership election for it
>> to become effective?  Same scenario with Local Chapter Representatives.
> It's not tied together. You do not need to be a Charter member to be the
> chair or member of a committee. The only time you need Charter
> membership is to serve on the Board or vote for the Board or vote for
> new Charter members. You are correct once a Charter member you stay one
> unless you remove yourself - or as discussed in previous years (I can't
> recall if it's a proposal or rule) if you fail to vote often enough.
> Charter members are only added once a year, that is unlikely to change.
> This ensures that they are added at a somewhat measured pace.
>> Once these changes are approved, this page should perhaps be updated,
>> http://www.osgeo.org/membership
>> Eli
> Is the board going to vote on this proposal or all charter members?
> Thanks,
> Alex
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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