[OSGeo-Discuss] linux distro preferences

Johan Van de Wauw johan.vandewauw at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 23:08:26 PST 2014

Oops forgot to send to the list
On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 8:30 PM, Cameron Shorter
<cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
> Petr,
> If you decide to use a Debian based distribution, such as Ubuntu, you
> will appreciate the install scripts we use for the OSGeo-Live project:
> https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/bin/
> These install scripts are tested and verified every 6 months on Lubuntu,
> most (all?) should work on any Ubuntu flavour.
> You can customise main.sh to install just the packages you are interested
> in.

I would not recommend this approach for a server. You better stick to
the packages provided in the archives. Packages on osgeo live don't
get security updates, some installation scripts put data where it does
not belong, others add unsecure options to configuration files, there
is no upgrade path, ...

If packages are not present in the distribution but are present on
osgeo live you can consider using the install script for that specific
package. Limit the exposure.
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