[OSGeo-Discuss] inspire and GeoSpatial World Forum

Paul van Genuchten paul.vangenuchten at geocat.net
Fri Oct 3 00:15:43 PDT 2014

Hi, this year Inspire and GWF joined forces in organising a combined
conference 25-29 may 2014 in Lisbon
http://www.geospatialworldforum.org. In previous years of GWF we used to
organize an OSGeo track (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, not sure about Geneva).
Should some of us put some energy in setting up such a track for the
coming conference, or alternatives like a booth/strategic partner?

So why do GWF and INSPIRE hang out together? I have no clue... But it
might be a combination of I know INSPIRE wants to share their concepts
globally (they have some initiatives in Latin America), they might have
seen GWF as a facilitator. Another reason might be that organizing such
a big event is quite a challenge for local universities that did this in
recent years. Hooking up with a commercial organisation like GWF can
facilitate continuation of the event. For GWF I see a benefit of having
a big audience increase, with meaningful items to discuss.

As organizer of 2013 osgeo track at GWF my evaluation back then was not
all that positive. It certainly was good people saw the osgeo logo on
the program, but I doubted if the conference had a proper audience for
osgeo-message. However, now with combined INSPIRE community, the
atmosphere should be quite different.

Would be good to hear your thoughts on this. And see if we can set up
some great OSGeo presence at the conference.

Note (for those interested) the dead-line for abstract submission is
january first 2015.

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