[OSGeo-Discuss] [Board-fr] Free GIS Day November 6, 2014 OSG?o - IGEAT, (ULB) ? Brussels (Belgium) (Maelle Vercauteren)

Paul van Genuchten paul.vangenuchten at geocat.net
Thu Sep 4 14:25:12 PDT 2014

Hi Dirk and Maelle, great to hear from these initiatives. Would be great
to get some african visitors at your event (I once gave a QGIS course in
Kindia, Guinee, people were really interested and surprised of the ease
of creating a map of their region).

Dirk, you mentioned contacting OSGeo.nl related to next years event,
sure do. Related to that, and I'm not sure if this has been posted on
this list before, is that we had some difficulties in organising an
event at the beginning of this year. Now the organisation comittee is
back together again and is opting to host an osgeo-nl event as part of
'geobuzz.nl' at november 25 in 's hertogenbosch. Would be great if we
get some presentations/visitors from Flanders, ideas?

Count me in, when discussing these items in Portland next week.

Cheers, Paul van Genuchten

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