[OSGeo-Discuss] Cast your votes! FOSS4G Map Gallery is live...

Kristin Bott bottk at reed.edu
Sun Sep 7 10:09:43 PDT 2014

The 2014 FOSS4G Map Gallery (https://2014.foss4g.org/map-gallery/) [1] is
now live, featuring 88 maps for your cartographic enjoyment. We need your
input to award the 2014 People's Choice Award. (Yes, anyone can vote!)

After you have appreciated the work of your maptastic colleagues, share
your sharp-but-sweet critical eyes and your strong opinions to help us pick
the 2014 People’s Choice Award. To examine a map more closely and/or cast a
vote for it as a personal favorite, click on the map; a "vote" option will
appear in the lower right hand corner of the map. (Clicking on a map will
also allow you to view the map in different sizes and formats, by clicking

We will announce the recipients of the awards at the Gala Night (Thursday,
11 Sept); for now, you can learn more about the categories and our fabulous
judges. (https://2014.foss4g.org/map-gallery/map-gallery-awards/) [2]

Thanks for your input, and may the best maps win.


[1] https://2014.foss4g.org/map-gallery/
[2] https://2014.foss4g.org/map-gallery/map-gallery-awards/
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